viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

August 2nd week - Day 5

Hello everybody!

Yesterday we had a rough day. We began with an orientation race in groups according to the lessons, where they had to find as many clues as possible in two hours. The track goes around the residence, where there are fossils, a Romanesque church and a necropolis.

In the afternoon they had to prepare some theatres in the lessons and to perform them in the street before going to the swimming pool to refresh themselves. At night we played "glow worm" and we had a lot of fun!


Hello everybody!

Ayer jueves tuvimos un día muy movido, comenzamos la mañana con la carrera de orientación por clases, en la que el objetivo era encontrar el mayor número de balizas en dos horas. El circuito recorre los alrededores de la residencia, donde hay restos de fósiles, la iglesia románica y una necrópolis.

Por la tarde en clase nos tocó preparara teatrillos y los representamos en la calle, antes de ir a la piscina a refrescarnos. Por la noche jugamos a la luciérnaga y nos lo pasamos genial!

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