miércoles, 7 de agosto de 2013

August 1st week - Day 3

Hello everyone!

Yesterday, on Tuesday, we had a wonderful and light summer day, so we went hiking to the Blue Pit, which is the second longest underwater cave in the world. The way was very pleasant, we stopped sometimes before reaching the "pit" (which is really a small lake) and we had a quick bath in its freezing water (around 51ºF). We were lucky to coincide with some divers who were exploring the cave.

We came back to Covanera to have lunch and relax a bit before going back to Sedano. On the way there and back we were talking in English, and little by little the kids are losing all sense of shame. At night we played a game before going up to the attic, where we did a relaxation activity with music and candles.

Hola a todos!

Ayer martes disfrutamos de un suave día de verano y nos fuimos de marcha al Pozo Azul, que es la segunda cueva acuática más larga del mundo. El camino fue muy agradable, hicimos varias paradas antes de llegar al pozo donde nos bañamos en su fría agua (11ºC). Tuvimos la suerte de coincidir con varios buceadores que estaban explorando la cueva.

Volvimos a Covanera a comer y a relajarnos un poco antes de emprender el camino de vuelta a Sedano. Tanto a la ida como a la vuelta estuvimos conversando en inglés, poco a poco ya nos vamos soltando.
Por la noche jugamos un juego antes de subir al ático donde realizamos una actividad de relajación con música y velas.

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